Winnie is one of ten West Highland White Terriers
that were abandoned and left to die. Refusing to be a statistic,
Winnie fought hard against the odds, and has now found her Forever Home!
While it may be hard to fathom, all ten of these beautiful creatures
were abandoned at an out of state breeding facility, with over 100 other
dogs, and did not receive any food or water for almost a full week. The
fact is, they were at death's door, with many not surviving their
ordeal. When we were asked by the local Humane Society to help with
their needs, how could we say no? They were transported to Dallas, and
within one hour of their arrival, were in the care of one of our
wonderful Veterinarians. Once any immediate medical needs were met, we
began the process of cleaning up these guys and gals, giving them
medicated baths and having them groomed to make them more comfortable.
Feeding a high quality food was paramount, as was adding in liquid
vitamins. All of them were underweight.
Now, with those days of August behind them, and nothing but a bright
future to look forward, to, they are searching for that perfect home to
call their own.
All have had their medical needs met, such as spay/neuter surgery,
vaccinations, microchipping, grooming, medicated baths to help clear up
skin issues caused by lack of care, and dental cleaning, including the
removal of diseased teeth. Some required treatment for Ehrlichia (a tick
born disease).
The dollar amount underneath each photo, represents some of the medical
costs involved with their care. The dollars we have spent, don’t include
foster care, transportation, food, bedding, toys, etc., only their
medical care. But can you put a dollar amount on saving these lives?
They certainly are all worth every dime and more!
Please consider sponsoring one of these beautiful Westies until their
'Forever Home' is found. While we will happily accept any donation
amount, no matter how small, if you are able to sponsor one of the dogs
for $250.00 or more, you will have the opportunity to name that
particular dog. Perhaps you would like to sponsor a dog in memory of a
pet you have lost? Or perhaps the name would honor a human family
member? We're hoping the names will befit the breed and possibly be a
reminder of their past, as well as a look to their future. Sponsoring a
dog is not an adoption donation. It is a (tax deductible) donation to
help defray the high costs of medical care for each of the dogs
Scottie Kingdom Rescue, Inc.
P. O. Box 551265
Dallas, TX 75355-1265
Scottie Kingdom Rescue, Inc. is an Approved 501(c)(3) Non-Profit
Your Contribution is a Tax-Deductible Donation to the extent allowed by
If you are wanting to adopt one of these special West Highland White
Terriers, please keep in mind their past. They have not been family
pets, rather, they lived in cramped living conditions, being bred at
every opportunity. While we have spent the last four months working with
each of them, allowing them to realize that not all humans are so cruel,
some may not be fully house-trained or may have accidents after being
re-homed. Some don't even understand the meaning of 'playtime'. Some are
quite timid at first meeting, but all of them are fully capable of
giving and receiving love and affection, as any of their foster parents
can attest to. They simply need the opportunity to be welcomed into a
loving environment, and be given the chance at a new life.
Please open your hearts & your homes to these needy souls.
Contact us to receive an Adoption Application: Rescue@scottiekingdom.com
Additional photographs and further information regarding these beautiful
creatures may be seen on our website:
All dogs adopted by Scottie Kingdom Rescue have had a full medical exam
by our Veterinarian and have received all necessary vaccinations, in
addition to being spayed/neutered and microchipped. Because we want to
assure you of the health of our adoptable pets, we include a 30 day pet
health and accident insurance policy, at no cost to you.
Scottie Kingdom Rescue is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization. We prefer
to adopt to families with past Scottie, Westie and/or Terrier
experience, but realize this isn’t always possible.
We do not ship our pets. If you have that special place in your heart &
in your home for a Scottie (or any of our other available Rescue Dogs),
please be prepared to visit us in Dallas for an in person meet & greet
session with our Available Dogs.
If you have existing dogs, they must travel to Dallas with you, so we
can be assured that they will be compatible with the new addition to
your family.
Please contact us at Rescue@scottiekingdom.com to receive an Adoption
Application or for more information on our Adoption process. Also,
please take the time to visit our website www.scottiekingdom.com for
further information.
We sometimes receive several applications on the same dog. Our goal is
to place the dog in the best home possible based on his/her needs,
personality and past history. Please note that adoptions are NOT done on
a first come, first serve basis. Submitting an application does not
guarantee the adoption of any dog. We are looking for the best possible
home for each of our rescue dogs.
Thank you for your understanding, and for considering adoption!
Our organization offers 24PetWatch microchips, which include free
registration into the
24PetWatch pet
recovery service. For more information call 1-866-597-2424
This pet also comes with 30 days of pre-paid pet health insurance. For
more information please visit
www.sheltercare.com or call 1-866-375-PETS.