~ Sherman ~ 2000 ~ 2009 |
Medical costs to date: $746.21
February 9, 2009 We said our final farewells to Sherman today. Penny was by his side, so she would know her life partner had traveled to the Rainbow Bridge. Afterwards, we allowed Penny time to be with Sherman. She gently sniffed his lifeless body, then stoically sat next to him, guarding her mate. I truly feel she would still be there, sitting next to him, if we didn't intervene. It's something we've not seen before, and may never again. Penny loved her man, and she showed it till the end. ~ Sherman joined us as an owner surrender, along with his lifelong companion, Penny (L). They are truly an inseparable pair. Unfortunately, Penny will soon need to face the reality of being alone, as Sherman has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. We have been treating him for several months, hoping the tumor would shrink, but it hasn't. Sherman is now in the final stages of his life and has entered our Hospice Care Program. We are monitoring him at all times, and Penny is by his side, as she should be. They are a remarkable couple, and we feel sad that there aren't any medical solutions to Sherman's health issues. It's our feeling that we should be here for dog's like Sherman and Penny, so they can at least have a chance for treatment. Even though in this case, our options were decidedly limited, Sherman did indeed, have a chance given to him. If you are able to help us with the costs of Sherman's past care and other dogs like Sherman, we know he would be so appreciative. You may also mail your Tax Deductible Donation to: