Remington is a pure-bred West Highland White Terrier (Westie) that
wasn't cared for by his owner and consequently, we had to shave his
matted coat, but it has already started growing back in, thanks to
vitamin supplements we are giving him!
He's a rather quiet little guy, who easily warms up to you after he is
assured of your friendly nature. We believe Remington is approximately
7+ years old. He has been neutered, is up to date on all vaccinations,
and has been micro-chipped.
Remington makes a cute moaning sound when it's time to visit outdoors.
Scottie Kingdom Rescue is a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization. We prefer
to adopt to families with past Scottie – Westie and/or Terrier
experience, but realize this isn’t always possible. You must have a
secure & fenced yard.
We do not ship our pets. If you have that special place in your heart &
in your home for a Scottie (or any of our other available Rescue Dogs),
please be prepared to visit us in Dallas for an in person meet & greet
session with our Available Dogs. If you have existing pets, they must
travel to Dallas with you, so we can be assured that they will be
compatible with the new addition to your family.
Please contact us at
Rescue@scottiekingdom.com to receive an Adoption Application or for
more information on our Adoption process.
Thank you for considering Adoption!
As of March, 2006,
the wonderful folks at ProPet Sciences have donated Flavocin, to assist
Remington with his arthritis.

Please support
ProPet Sciences with your business.
www.flavocin.com |